
Hydro Buildings Consolidation studies the static instability of buildings and deals with:

  •  monitoring

  • identification of the causes

  • optimal consolidation project

  • carrying out the intervention

When the cause of the instability is due to volumetric variations of the clayey foundation soils, HBC prefers to set up its own consolidation system with Italian and European patents.

HBC is available to provide all the necessary support to the Client's technicians during the preliminary studies aimed at the sizing of its consolidation system.

Hydro Buildings Consolidation s.r.l.
Via Alessandro Tiarini, 27/A - 40129 - Bologna - Italia

 C.F. / P.Iva: 02836401204
Tel: 342 832 8237 - 051/6350845 - Fax: 051/6354238

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